Supporting people with allergic asthma for 20 years and counting!
The Support For You Program is here to provide resources designed with YOU in mind.
Since 2003, XOLAIR has been prescribed to help reduce asthma attacks in patients ages 12 and older.
Since 2003, XOLAIR has been prescribed to help reduce asthma attacks in patients ages 12 and older.
In two 28-week clinical studies‡ with 1,071 patients with moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma not controlled on inhaled corticosteroids.
Results of the second study were similar to those of Study 1 shown above. Individual results may vary.
‡In the 28-week studies, in the first 16 weeks, patients continued their prescribed dose of inhaled corticosteroids. For the following 12 weeks, patients’ inhaled corticosteroid use was slowly reduced.
§In the XOLAIR group, patients were given XOLAIR in addition to their regular inhaled corticosteroid treatment. In the Control group, patients were given a placebo in addition to their regular inhaled corticosteroid treatment. A placebo is a look-alike treatment with no active medicine that can affect an illness.
In one 32-week study with 341 severe allergic asthma patients, there was no difference in the number of asthma attacks between patients taking XOLAIR and patients who did not. Patients may have also received oral corticosteroids in addition to inhaled corticosteroids.
To ask questions or to obtain more information about these XOLAIR study results, please consult your doctor.
In a 52-week study in children with moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma not controlled on inhaled corticosteroids.
There was no difference in asthma symptom reduction between people taking XOLAIR and people not taking XOLAIR.
Individual results may vary.
To ask questions or obtain more information about these XOLAIR study results, please consult your doctor.
‖In the XOLAIR group, patients were given XOLAIR. In the Control group, patients were given a placebo. During the first 24 weeks of the study, the children in both groups took their prescribed dose of inhaled corticosteroid treatment. Over the next 28 weeks, adjustment of their inhaled corticosteroid dose was allowed. Throughout this study, patients were allowed to take other controller medications. (n) represents the number of patients included in that study group.
You’ve got a whole support network on your side
From diagnosis to treatment, everyone’s experience is unique.
If you’ve been prescribed XOLAIR, the Support For You program is designed with YOU in mind.
Our free program provides relevant and timely support and resources.
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